‘Une démarche critique: Qu’est-ce que les juristes en droit de l’UE peuvent apprendre de la théorie critique?’ (2023) 37 Cahiers de méthodologie juridique 1397-1443 (Translation: Luca Tenreira & Vincent Réveillère). Link
‘Free Movement Rights in Finland’, in Katarina Hyltén-Cavallius and Jaan Paju (eds), Free Movement of Persons in the Nordic States: EU Law, EEA Law, and Regional Cooperation (Hart Publishing 2023). Link
‘A Way of Critique: What Can EU Law Scholars Learn from Critical Theory?’ (2022) 1(1) European Law Open 60-88. Link
‘Systemic Discrimination’, in Rainer Grote, Frauke Lachenmann & Rüdiger Wolfrum (eds), Max Planck Encyclopedia of Comparative Constitutional Law [MPECCoL] (Oxford University Press 2022). Link
Research Handbook on General Principles in EU Law: Constructing Legal Orders in Europe, eds. Katja Ziegler, Päivi Neuvonen, and Violeta Moreno-Lax (Edward Elgar 2022). Link
‘General Principles in the EU Legal Order: Past, Present, and Future Directions’ (with Katja Ziegler), in Ziegler, Neuvonen, and Moreno-Lax (eds), Research Handbook on General Principles in EU Law: Constructing Legal Orders in Europe (Edward Elgar 2022).
‘The General Principle of Equality as a Value Commitment in EU Law: Scope, Limits, and Challenges’, in Ziegler, Neuvonen, and Moreno-Lax (eds), Research Handbook on General Principles in EU Law: Constructing Legal Orders in Europe (Edward Elgar 2022).
‘The COVID-19 Policymaking under the Auspices of Parliamentary Constitutional Review: The Case of Finland and Its Implications’ (2020) 6(2) European Policy Analysis 226-237. Link
‘A Revised Democratic Critique of EU (Citizenship) Law: From Relative Homogeneity to Political Judgment’ (2020) 21(5) German Law Journal 867-883. Link
‘Retrieving the “Subject” of European Integration’ (2019) 25(1) European Law Journal 6-20. Link
‘Transforming Membership? Citizenship, Identity, and the Problem of Belonging in Regional Integration Organizations’ (2019) 30(1) European Journal of International Law 229-255. Link
‘Free Movement as a Means of Subject-Formation: Defending a More Relational Approach to EU Citizenship’, in Rainer Bauböck (ed.): Debating European Citizenship (Springer International Publishing: IMISCOE Research Series 2018). Link
‘EU citizenship and its “very specific” essence: Rendón Marin and CS‘ (2017) 54(4) Common Market Law Review 1201-1220. Link
Equal Citizenship and Its Limits in EU Law: We the Burden? (Oxford: Hart Publishing 2016). Link
‘EU Citizens’ Whimsical Status: Persons or Actors on Their Way to Full Agency?’, in Nuno Ferreira and Dora Kostakopoulou (eds.): The Human Face of the European Union: Are EU Law and Policy Humane Enough? (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2016). Link
‘From a Relative to a Relational Equality: Rethinking Comparability in the Light of Relational Accounts of Social Justice’, in Daniel Cuypers and Jogchum Vrielink (eds.): Equal Is Not Enough: Exploring Novel Theoretical and Empirical Approaches to the Shaping of (In)Equalities (Cambridge: Intersentia 2016). Link
‘”Inequality in equality” in the European Union equality directives: A friend or a foe of more systematised relationships between the protected grounds?’ (2015) 15(4) The International Journal of Discrimination and the Law 222-240. Link
‘In Search of (Even) More Substance for the “Real Link” Test: Comment on Prinz and Seeberger‘ (2014) 39 European Law Review 125-136.
‘Prohibition of Discrimination on the Grounds of Nationality in EU Law’ (in Finnish) in Oikeustiede-Jurisprudentia Yearbook XLI:2008 (Helsinki 2008). Link
‘Inclusion or Conflicts of Loyalty? 15 Years of Dual Citizenship in Finland’, Global Citizenship Observatory (GLOBALCIT) Blog, November 12, 2018. Link
Book Review on ‘Jeremy B. Bierbach, Frontiers of Equality in the Development of EU and US Citizenship, T.M.C. Asser Press/Springer 2017’ (2018) 43(4) European Law Review 610-13.
‘Free-movement as a means of subject-formation: defending a more relational approach to EU citizenship’ in Floris de Witte, Rainer Bauböck and Jo Shaw (eds), Freedom of movement under attack: Is it worth defending as the core of EU citizenship?, RSCAS Working Paper 2016/69, EUDO Citizenship Observatory. Link
‘Britain’s departure from the EU would lead to uncertainty’ (in Finnish), Guest Editorial in Helsingin Sanomat, June 17, 2016. Link
Book Review on ‘Hanneke van Eijken, EU Citizenship & the Constitutionalisation of the European Union, Europa Law Publishing 2015’ (2016) 55(3) Common Market Law Review 844-45.
Chapter 2 ‘England’ and Chapter 3 ‘Finland’ in Päivi Neuvonen en Jogchum Vrielink, Toegankelijkheidsregelgeving. Een overzichtsanalyse van regelgeving inzake fysieke toegankelijkheid van gebouwen en woningen in Engeland, Finland, Nederland en de Verenigde Staten, Policy Research Centre on Equality Policies (Leuven 2014).
‘Country Report: Finland’ in Oxford Pro Bono Publico Report: ‘Reconciling Superior Courts with the ECHR and the ECtHR: A Comparative Perspective’ (Oxford 2011). Link
EU Law Discussion Group/IECL, Oxford University, February 7, 2019: Transforming Membership? Citizenship, Identity, and the Problem of Belonging in Regional Integration Organisations (invited)
EU Citizenship @25: Main Achievements and Future Challenges, Radboud University, June 28-29, 2018: 25 Years of EU Citizenship: Retrieving the Subject of European Integration? (keynote, invited)
Constructing Legal Orders in Europe: The General Principles of EU Law, University of Leicester, June 29-30, 2018: The General Principle of Equality: Its Scope, Limits, and Challenges
European Narratives of Crises Conference, University of Helsinki, May 17-18, 2018: Many Crises of EU Citizenship: de-politicisation and re-politicisation of the Individual in the EU
RORI (Regional Organisations and Regional Integration) Workshop, National University of Singapore, August 7-8, 2017: Transforming Membership? A Comparative Outlook on the Problem of Belonging in Regional Integration Organisations (invited)
FOLIE Seminar, École de Droit de Sciences Po, April 28, 2017: EU Citizenship Law and the ‘Politics of Subjectivity’ (invited)
GOLEM Seminar, London School of Economics and Political Science, February 28, 2017: New Challenges to the Role of the Individual in European Legal Integration (invited)
RORI (Regional Organisations and Regional Integration) Workshop, London School of Economics and Political Science, December 9-10, 2016: Citizenship, Attachment and Belonging in the ASEAN, ECOWAS and MERCOSUR (invited)
CELI, Leicester Law School, University of Leicester, April 26, 2016: EU citizens’ active agency and its alternatives in the case law of the CJEU (invited)
MANCEPT 2015 Workshop on Critical Perspectives on Human Rights, University of Manchester, September 1-3, 2015: Rethinking difference in relation to the internalised “other”: a psychodynamic perspective on special rights
Equal is not Enough, University of Antwerp, February 4-6, 2015: From a ‘relative’ to a ‘relational’ subjectivity: rethinking the ‘subject’ within multidimensional anti-discrimination law
The human face of the European Union: Are EU law and policy humane enough? University of Liverpool, May 16, 2014: EU citizens’ whimsical status revised: ‘persons’ or ‘actors’ on their way to full agency (invited)
The Right to Have What Rights? EU Citizenship’s Role Reconsidered, University of Oslo, September 13-14, 2013: EU citizenship as a source of subjectivity: towards a more constructive account of EU citizenship rights?
The human face of the European Union: Humane enough? University of Manchester, July 20, 2012: EU citizens’ whimsical status: ‘persons’ or ‘actors’ on their way to full agency?
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